Meat Free Monday One day a week can make a world of difference
Skipping meat for one day a week can reduce your annual carbon footprint

1 day

… by as much as not driving your car for a whole month!
Why it matters
It can take 2350 litres of water to produce just one 150g beef burger.


That’s enough water to fill 30 bathtubs or have a five-hour shower!
Why it matters
Only a fraction of soy is consumed by humans.


Over 80% of the world’s soybeans are turned into feed for farmed animals!
Why it matters

Sticky Tomato Tart

A flavourful tomato tart which can be served warm or cold!
Get the full recipe here

Veggie Bolognese

A rich, hearty veggie bolognese which utilises red lentils for a protein boost – easy to knock up in a single pot!
Get the full recipe here



Check out our signature collection – T-shirts, jumpers, hoodies and tote bags – printed on certified organic cotton!

Impact calculator

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