Meat Free Monday One day a week can make a world of difference

Braised Baby Lettuce

Love Food Hate Waste UK
  • Serves: 4 as a side dish
  • Preparation: 15
  • Cooking: 3
  • Ready: 18

Ideal as a fresh-tasting side dish with a Chinese-style meal, this is a great way to use lettuce which is nearing the end of its shelf life.


  • 4 Little Gem lettuces
  • juice and rind of 1 orange
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 25 g/1 oz raisins
  • 2½ cm/1 inch root ginger


Trim the base of the lettuces and cut them in half, lengthways.

Peel and grate the ginger.

Put all the ingredients except the lettuces into a wok and bring to the boil. Add the lettuce halves and cook for 3 minutes, turning frequently, until heated through but still quite crisp. Serve immediately.

Additional notes

Recipe courtesy of Love Food Hate Waste UK

“This speedy cooking method keeps the lettuce quite crisp. Ideal as a fresh-tasting side dish with a Chinese-style meal.”

Twitter: @LFHW_UK
Facebook: Love Food Hate Waste – Community
Instagram: lfhw_uk

Cook’s tip: It’s easiest to grate the zest from the orange before you juice it. If you have a zesting tool, reserve some long strands of zest to decorate the dish.

Cost per serving: 60p

Use up: Lettuce

Variations: Other leafy vegetables like pak choi or shredded kale work well in this dish.

Extra flavour: A splash of sherry adds flavour to this dish.

Freezer advice: Do not freeze


Nutrient Per serving Per 100 g
Calories (kJ) 253 kJ 152 kJ
Calories (kcal) 60 kcal 36  kcal
Protein 2 g 1.2 g
Fat 0.6 g 0.3 g
Of which saturated fat 0.1 g 0.1 g
Carbohydrate 10.6 g 6.4 g
Of which sugar 10.3 g 6.2 g
Fibre 2.3 g 1.4 g
Sodium 3.4 g 2.1 g

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