Meat Free Monday One day a week can make a world of difference

Truffle Shuffle

The Collab
  • Serves: 1
  • Preparation: 5
  • Cooking: 25
  • Ready: 30

This burger will delight your taste buds – just don’t forget the napkins because it’s going to get messy!


  • 1 plant-based burger patty (we use Beyond Meat)
  • 1 plant-based brioche bun (ours is made exclusively for us by our baker and the recipe is kept locked in safe with 24 hour security patrols, guard dogs, a shark infested moat and electric fences!)
  • 2 vegan cheese slices (we use ‘Violife Mature Cheddar’)
  • 1 cup mixed wild mushrooms e.g. pied de mouton, oysters or porcini
  • 1 cup chestnut and portobello mushrooms
  • handful of wild rocket or watercress (depending on what’s good)
  • drizzle of balsamic glaze
  • 2 tablespoons truffle aioli*
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary


Prepare your mushrooms with a quick wipe and a brush, then roughly chop and sauté them in a little olive oil, don’t move them around too much, colour is flavour! Once they’re coloured and cooked, turn the heat right down and stir in some minced garlic to taste, add some chopped rosemary and season with reckless abandon. Leave them in the warm pan.

Slice the bun, making sure the base is 12 mm thick. I’ll be checking! Then toast the base in the pan you’re going to fry your patty in. Just the cut side.

Spread an outrageous amount of the aioli on the base and top with a handful of rocket. (We always put an oil-based sauce on the base as this helps seal it against any juice.)

Fry your patty according to the instructions – we do ours on a flat griddle. Then, when it’s nearly done, throw the cheese on there and put a lid on. A dash of water will generate steam to aid the melting.

Perch your patty on the rocket and toast the top of the bun in your frying pan, again a dash of water and a lid will give you that glossy insta burger look.

Balance as much of the mushroom mixture you can on top of your cheesy patty, allow a few mushrooms to tumble off, they look great on insta too. Any extra mushrooms can be reheated for breakfast and served on toasted sourdough.

Drizzle the mushrooms with the balsamic glaze, just enough for it start gently dripping off the sides.

Top with your moist bun lid and bathe in the glory.

Napkins. You’ll need napkins.

* For the truffle aioli: We make our own mayo using chickpea water, then add garlic and a good slug of white truffle oil then loads of black pepper. You can buy vegan mayo and add the other bits yourself though. Don’t be shy with the salt and the truffle oil! Maybe some lemon too. Make your aioli the night before if you can. It tastes so much better after a night in the fridge.

Additional notes

Recipe courtesy of The Collab restaurant in London.

“The main thing to remember with a burger is to season every element, you need to account for the bun and imagine you are seasoning that too, otherwise your burger will be underwhelming. For the same reason I always make sure there’s an acidic element as well as some sweetness.”

Facebook: The Collab London
Twitter: @TheCollabLondon
Instagram: @TheCollabLondon


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