Farinata with Rosemary, Red Onion and Sea Salt
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- Serves: 4
- Preparation: 10
- Cooking: 15
- Passive: 60
- Ready: 85

An unleavened pancake type flatbread made simply with chickpea flour – change toppings according to your mood!
- 130 g (1 cup) chickpea/gram flour
- 300 ml (1½ cups) fresh water
- 5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 1 medium red onion
- 2 springs fresh rosemary (3 tablespoons fresh chopped)
- 2 pinches sea salt
Preheat the oven to 240°C/450°F/gas mark 8.
Put the chickpea flour into a medium mixing bowl. Slowly stir in the water, mixing continuously so it doesn’t get lumpy. It should be about the consistency of single cream.
Stir in 2 tablespoons olive oil.
Put in the fridge to chill for 1 hour.
Now there should be a thick bubbly layer on the top; scoop this top layer off with a metal spoon.
Put the remaining 3 tablespoons of olive oil into a 10 inch (25 cm) oven-proof skillet or frying pan. Let it heat for 5 minutes.
Now gently pour in the chickpea batter, it should sizzle vigorously so be careful.
While the pan is still hot, quickly and evenly scatter over the red onion slices, fresh rosemary, sea salt and put the farinata in the oven.
Cook for 11 minutes, then turn the oven to grill/broiler mode to grill the top for a minute or two, allowing it to brown a little more.
Ready to eat!
Additional notes
Recipe courtesy of Mary McCartney, taken from P for Peckish.
“Farinata is an unleavened pancake type flatbread made simply with chickpea flour. This one is topped with lots of fresh rosemary, red onion, sea salt and cooked in flavourful extra virgin olive oil. It’s best straight from the oven and has become a firm favourite in our house. You can make this basic batter, and change toppings according to your mood. It’s also really nice with roughly chopped sage leaves and chopped olives.”