Meat Free Monday One day a week can make a world of difference

Homemade Oat Milk

Meat Free Monday
  • Serves: 2
  • Preparation: 10
  • Ready: 10

Save your pennies and blend up this easy plant-based milk alternative, perfect for cereal, coffee, tea and more!


  • 90 g/1 cup rolled oats (gluten free if needed)
  • 750 ml-1 litre/3-4 cups water (use less if you like thicker oat milk)
  • pinch salt

For sweetness (optional)

  • 1 pitted date or 1 tablespoon maple/agave syrup

For flavour (optional)

  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract


Pour the dry rolled oats and the water into a blender and blend for 30 seconds or so until the mixture turns a creamy white colour. Don’t over-blend, as the milk can get slimy. If you are using flavourings or sweeteners, add these and then blend for an extra 5 seconds.

With a fine mesh strainer or a cloth, strain the mixture through, without pushing or squeezing. Just let it drip through slowly. Remove the remaining pulp, then strain again. There will be a little bit of sediment left in the milk – this is normal. Just allow it to settle at the bottom of your container.

Pour into a bottle and keep refrigerated for up to 5 days. Use in hot drinks, cereal, sauces, bakes and any other things you use oat milk for!

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