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Mango and Passion Fruit Sorbet

Jude's Ice Cream
  • Serves: 6
  • Preparation: 50
  • Passive: 360
  • Ready: 410

Give this refreshing Mango and Passion Fruit Sorbet a try – perfect for a fruity dessert or a palette cleanser between dishes.


  • 400 g ripe mango flesh, cut into rough 2-3 cm cubes (about 2 large mangoes)
  • 200 g granulated sugar
  • juice of 1 large lemon
  • 300 ml fresh orange juice
  • pulp from 6 passion fruits


Put the mango cubes, sugar and lemon juice into a medium bowl and leave to macerate for 2 hours. The sugar will mostly dissolve and the flavours develop.

Empty the sugary mango mixture into the bowl of a food processor and blitz to a silky, smooth consistency. Add the fresh orange juice and passion fruit pulp and stir to combine.

Pour the sorbet into an ice-cream machine* and churn until the blade stops. Transfer to an airtight, freezer proof container, cover and put in the freezer for at least 4 hours, but preferably overnight until firm. Remove from the freezer and allow the sorbet to soften for a few minutes before scooping.

* Freezing ice cream without a machine: Pour the mixture into a shallow, wide, freezer proof container and freeze for 1 hour, until the mixture freezes, forming a border around the edge. Break up the ice crystals with a fork or whisk and return to the freezer. Repeat this whisking every 30 minutes or so, until evenly set and too thick to fork. It should take 2–3 hours.

Additional notes

Recipe courtesy of Jude’s Ice Cream

For more ice cream and dessert inspiration take a look at Jude’s recipe book.

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