Meat Free Monday One day a week can make a world of difference

Marriott marks success with Meat Free Monday

The London Heathrow Marriott Hotel has been going meat free on Mondays for over a year and a half, and says there’s no going back

Posted : 5 February 2024

In a newly released video collaboration between Meat Free Monday and the London Heathrow Marriott Hotel, associates highlight the environmental and health benefits of eating more plant-based food.

The hotel’s Executive Head Chef, Anna Pazdera, introduced the initiative to the hotel in the summer of 2022.  “All of us together we have to start to make some changes and not just talk about that, and sometimes you need to be pushed a little bit, you know to change,” said Chef Anna. “It is a team you know and it’s a team effort and we are working together to make sure that things happen and we are able to deliver.”

Some associates were initially hesitant, but Chef Anna won them over with her creative and varied menu, as well as by highlighting the positive environmental impact London Heathrow Marriott Hotel would have as a business. The Monday buffet includes hearty options such as Veggie Burgers, Lentil ‘Meatballs’ and Roasted Butternut Squash.

“I’m used to thinking about meals as ‘meat plus a side’”, said Gwen Marsollier, Executive Head Housekeeper. “But here you can see that it’s a complete meal without the meat. It’s a good idea.”

The hotel has won accolades including a Green Key Award for its efforts in sustainability, and has its very own Food Waste Lab in which the team make use of fruit and vegetable parts that are often thrown away to prepare innovative dishes like Watermelon Rind Curry, Pulled Spiced Banana Peel Burgers and Vegetable Peel Pasta, as well as products such as soaps and scrubs.

“Meat Free Monday is a really essential part of our sustainability plan which has been an ever-evolving journey for the last 10 years,” said Elaine Hudson, Director of Sales and Marketing. “It’s been quite an exciting process. It’s brought a completely different aspect to that sustainability plan.”

The meat free catering option is also offered to clients booking events. More and more businesses are choosing this and London Heathrow Marriott Hotel hopes to inspire other hotels to get on board.

“We like to be at the forefront of sustainable initiatives at the hotel and as an organisation,” said Ron Vos, General Manager. “Meat Free Monday has been a huge success – there’s no going back!”

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