#RDUK is a moderated conversation held once a month on Twitter covering various nutrition topics. Dietitians Week (9 -16 June), organised by the British Dietetic Association (BDA), is the world’s first awareness week that profiles to work and value of dietitians.
Three hour-long Twitter sessions are planned during the week – Meat Free Monday (Monday 9 June, 1–2 pm GMT), Fat Facts (Tuesday 10 June, 8–9 pm GMT) and Nutrition Truths (Thursday 12 June, 8-9 pm GMT).
In addition to events being organised by the BDA, BDA members are running well in excess of 100 individual events around the UK from the tip of the country in Devon to the Isles of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides! There are also events planned abroad. A full list of Dietitians Week events can be found here.
Sian Porter, Chairman of the BDA’s Communications Board said: “With so many people online claiming to be ‘experts’ in the field of food and nutrition, it is vital that people have a point of contact where they know that information being given out and promoted is credible, evidenced-based and based on solid scientific research, as opposed to personal opinions and people trying to sell you all kinds of products. #RDUK is that credible point of contact. They are the real deal!”
The Meat Free Monday chat will explore the following questions:
1. Meat Free Monday – another fad or carries some weight?
2. What are the health benefits of a weekly Meat Free Day?
3. Plant based diets needn’t be boring – what are your favourite foods to include?
4. Plant proteins still pack a mighty punch what nutrition do they offer us?
5. How can we spice up Meat Free Days? Any foodie recipes, websites or blogs that promote meat free days?
Join in the conversation on Monday 9 June, at 1 pm, using #RDUK.
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The Meat Free Monday Dieticians Week Twitter chat is now over. Read the full archived transcript HERE.