Meat Free Monday One day a week can make a world of difference

Meat Free Monday at the European Parliament

Paul McCartney's visit to the European Parliament last Thursday was a resounding success, with a raft of experts agreeing that adopting a Meat Free Monday is one of the best and most efficient ways to begin reducing the harmful emissions produced by the livestock industry.

Image of Paul McCartney © Thierry Charlier-Alamy, image of EU Parliament room © VanderWolf Images/
Posted : 7 December 2009

The Less Meat = Less Heat hearing into global warming and food policy on 3 December saw Paul and Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, telling parliementarians about the impact that individual choices such as cutting down on meat consumption for one day a week can have on a global scale.

The European Parliament will present its views at the important climate change negotiations that have begun in Copenhagen today, where world leaders will hope to thrash out a binding deal on curbing emissions of dangerous greenhouse gases.

Tune in to the links below to see what happened in Brussels…

The hearing

Press conference


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