Meat Free Monday One day a week can make a world of difference

Canadian town trials Meat Free Monday

The Canadian town of Markham has adopted a six-week Meatless Monday pilot in an attempt to demonstrate the healthiness and sustainability of the meat-free lifestyle. Meatless Monday is Meat Free Monday’s sister organisation in North America.

Posted : 13 February 2012

The internal pilot was launched at Markham Civic Centre cafeteria this week, a joint initiative between Greenprint, the town’s sustainability plan, and the Toronto Vegetarian Association.

Markham is the first municipality within the Greater Toronto Area of Southern Ontario to go meat-free at the start of the week, according to town councillor Valerie Burke.

“The whole goal is to engage people to try a meatless meal,” she said. “Just to have an open mind. Even if you have a meatless meal once a week or once a day, it really goes a long way for the health of the planet.”

Councillor Burke added: “The goal is to lessen your impact, because with seven billion people on the planet, meat is not sustainable and the emissions are greater in transporting the meat.”

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