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Al Gore condemns meat-intensive diets and industrial agricultural practices

Former US vice-president and Nobel Peace Prize-winner Al Gore has been speaking out about the importance of meat-reducing diets.

Posted : 1 September 2011

Talking to FearLess Revolution founder Alex Bogusky, Gore highlighted the impact that a “shift toward a more meat-intensive diet” has had on the environment.

“Industrial agriculture is part of the problem,” said Gore, explaining how the rapidly expanding appetite for meat in the US is contributing to an even bigger carbon footprint. Meat-eating is on the increase in most western countries, as well as – perhaps more worryingly – rapidly industrialising and vastly populous countries like India, Brazil and China.

Organic farming was a more sustainable choice, he added, calling for “more productive, safer [agricultural] methods that put carbon back in the soil” while growing “safer and better food”.

In a wide-ranging interview on environmental issues, Gore also stressed that it was vital to “win the conversation” on cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

Watch the full interview

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