We offer Meat Free Monday supporters a permanent spot on our website, a ‘welcome’ social media shout out and publicity of plant-based promotions, menus and PR stunts. We also run regular prize draws and competitions to highlight supporters’ products and services, and spotlight restaurants in our e-newsletters.
Brand guidelines
We would love for you to shout about supporting Meat Free Monday! Here are some examples of how to describe your support for the campaign:
I've been getting my family to go meatless at least 3 times a week. It's healthier for everyone and better for the planet.
Meat Free Monday has given me the opportunity to educate myself on foods that I would not have usually have eaten before.
It keeps me creative in the kitchen, and I am helping reduce my impact.
Previously dinner planning always started with ‘what meat’, and the rest of the meal was built around it. Meat Free Monday helps change that mindset.
Meat Free Monday is a great initiative to encourage people to have a healthier diet, save animals and the planet for at least once a week.