Meat Free Monday One day a week can make a world of difference

Gaia’s Farming Co.

“We share the same objective as Meat Free Monday in championing a more sustainable future. It’s the very reason we exist. We objectively support and encourage the notion of people reducing their meat intake. Cutting out meat on Mondays is a plausible solution that many can join, and it is a step in the right direction to a future that looks after our precious home that we call Earth.” – Michael Kyriakou, Founder of Gaia’s Farming Co.

Launched in 2020, Gaia’s Farming Co aims to create a better future using one of the Earth’s most sustainable plants (and superfood) hemp. The company believes that the food we’re creating and consuming should be better for our body and better for our Earth. For centuries, people have harvested hemp and Gaia’s mission is to bring it into everyday use at this time when we and our planet need it most.

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