Meat Free Monday One day a week can make a world of difference

Funky Pies

“We are a 100% vegan business and believe all animals have a right to live their lives free of suffering and distress. Not only is a meat free meal delicious, but it has a positive impact on our personal health and the health of the planet. #meatfreemonday offers great data on the environmental benefits of being meat free on Mondays.”

With the aim of creating a simple product which was delicious and meat free, Funky Pies was born in 2008 and has been feeding people ever since. Their cafe in Bondi Beach, Australia, displays Meat Free Monday messaging on its large glass window to create awareness and receives a lot of positive feedback about the concept. Funky Pies has supports many other charities, one memorable time supplying pies to the Sea Shepherd crew during one of their Antarctic adventures.

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