Meat Free Monday One day a week can make a world of difference

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Tag us in your spectacular meat free dishes

Waste not, want not – join #FoodWasteActionWeek with @lfhw_uk! 🌍

Eat more sustainably by choosing #meatfree, buying loose fruit and veg and getting creative with ingredients nearing their expiry date.

Got leftover bread? Don’t toss it! Drizzle with a little extra virgin olive oil, grill to perfection, and voilà – crunchy croutons or rustic toast to complement a vibrant salad.

Try our very own Panzanella recipe for a quick, easy and waste-free #MeatFreeMonday meal! 🥗🥖🍅

½ loaf ciabatta
6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 garlic cloves, 1 peeled, 1 crushed
½ teaspoon dried oregano
2 tablespoons good-quality red wine vinegar
2 tablespoons freshly chopped flatleaf parsley
1 tablespoon baby capers, drained
6 plum tomatoes, roughly chopped
1 small red onion, finely sliced
½ cucumber, deseeded and cut into chunks
2 celery stalks, finely sliced
12 fresh basil leaves, ripped
50 g stoned black olives, halved
salt and freshly ground black pepper

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Boost your dishes with the power of rosemary! 🌿

Rosemary isn’t just a herb – it’s an incredible superfood that brings bold flavour and fragrance to your kitchen all year round! This evergreen beauty enriches a variety of meat free dishes including pies, tarts, roast vegetables, breads, stews and casseroles.

Did you know that rosemary contains a number of essential oils which have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties? Studies have also shown that sniffing rosemary can improve our ability to remember tasks, while rosemary oil can enhance alertness and support long-term memory!

How do you incorporate rosemary into your cooking or everyday life?

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🥞🍌 In preparation for #PancakeDay tomorrow, we’ve got a flippin’ great recipe for Caramelised Banana Pancakes to whip up – ready for feasting in just 25 minutes!


Wet ingredients
1 mashed banana
200 ml oat milk (or other plant milk)

Dry ingredients
150 g plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt

To cook
50-80 g blueberries
vegetable oil, or a lightly flavoured oil, for frying

For the salted caramel sauce
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 bananas, cut into thick slices
6-8 walnuts or pecans, broken into small pieces
4 tablespoons plant-based butter

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💚 #MeatFreeMonday can be the start of a journey, and we always love to hear how many people go on to have more #meatfree days!

Overall, the fewer animal products we eat, the better for animals, people and planet.

AND what do you know, it’s #MeatFreeMonday tomorrow so why not give it a go? 🌎🐮

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